About Us


Daily Schedule – Balanced Day

8:55 -10:55

Instructional Time


Nutrition & Play Break


Instructional Time

1:35- 2:15

Nutrition & Play Break


Instructional Time



The playground is supervised at 8:30 for students who arrive by bus.  
Early morning and after school child-care is available with the Kids ‘N Us Before and After School program.  The contact number to enroll or make changes to your care arrangements is (519) 923-2182.

We have two Nutrition & Play Breaks. During each break, the students will have a 20-minute snack time and a 20 minute outside play period. Supervision is provided on the yard at all Nutrition Breaks.  Dismissal is at 3:15 p.m.  Children who walk to school are to go directly home when dismissed.  There is no supervision on the playground following dismissal

Attendance: Call (519) 923-2622 or Text (519) 372-5267

We MUST have a phone call from a parent/guardian for any change in the way a student goes home.

A phone call about student absence is very important. Voicemail is available 24 hours a day.  The attendance line extension is 100.   If we do not receive a phone call and a student is not present we will then follow our safe arrival procedures. If we cannot make contact with the parent or guardian to confirm the whereabouts of the student, we will phone the police to report the child as missing. Please help us ensure your child’s safety by calling the attendance line if your child is absent.

Students who arrive at school late or have to leave school early MUST sign in or out at the front vestibule. Parents/guardians who are coming to pick up children during the school day must report to the front vestibule. The office will then page the classroom and have the student come to the office to meet the parent/guardian. Parents/guardians must wait in the front vestibule for their child(ren).

Student Drop Off and Pick Up

Safety of our students is paramount at Dundalk/Proton. You are welcome to use our drop off lane in the bus loop.  Just stop behind the parked cars, help your child or children to cross safely to the sidewalk and then return to your vehicle to exit the loop. Staff are waiting on the sidewalk to help as needed. Observe the No Parking signs on the town streets.  The two streets that make a triangle with our bus loop are part of our fire exit.  You cannot park there.    Please consider our school a “no idle zone” and do not leave your car running. 

We ask you to take extra care when you are dropping off, and picking up, children at school.  Please use the crosswalk at all times so that all children realize the need to follow safety rules.  If you want to walk your child onto the property, your best option is to park away from the school and walk in with them

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